Useful Information
PLEASE keep the gate locked at all times. Keys are not to be cut by individuals. If you should you lose or break your key please contact the Letting Secretary who will arrange a replacement.
All plots are let this season. We would like to welcome all our newcomers.
Skips & Rubbish Disposal
All members are responsible for their own rubbish. Local authorities no longer provide skips so it is up to us all to maintain the site. Everyone without exception should have a composter on their plot for green materials, soil, grass etc. A skip is usually organised for the end of the season (late Oct/Nov time) when members can dispose of non-compostable material from their plot. Notification of the timing is by email and on Facebook.
A permanent barbecue is available for use by all members - provided you leave it CLEAN.
We are allowed a limited number of bonfires on site per year and we aim to notify you (on the noticeboard or Facebook) as much as we can in advance of these.
Each plot holder should maintain a compost bin to dispose of their compostable allotment rubbish or alternatively remove any rubbish and dispose of it at home. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as when there’s a diseased plant should they be burnt – even then our preference is for it to be bagged and disposed of in your household rubbish.
Note our Conditions of Tenancy stipulate:
“Tenants are not permitted to burn bonfires on the site. Tenants who infringe this Condition will be liable to forfeit their plot.”
The Society takes the view that members will be personally liable for any complaint from the Council in relation to nuisance smoke.
Site Inspections
There are site inspections every month during the summer, so make sure that plots and paths are kept in good condition.
Conditions of Tenancy
Please make sure that you know them and follow them.
All contributions to the website welcome. Please email your contribution to the : webmaster.
Useful Links
Glenthorne Avenue Allotment Trading Hut (Green Fingers)

Is open at weekends and at limited times in the summer months. Check their website for details. Annual membership is £2 and many bargains can be found there. The website includes a monthly newsletter with seasonal advice for growers. Visit the AWSLG Website
Grow with John

Garden Organic
For those not familiar with Garden Organic, the working name of the
Henry Doubleday Research Association, check out their website for a mine of useful information on composting organic gardening, heritage seeds etc.etc. Click on the logo for the link: